We have been told to eat well and get nutrition from the food and drinks we consume. But how do we know we are doing it right? How do we monitor our senior or homebound loved one’s dietary and fluid intake?
Keeping track of what we eat and drink can be simple and complicated – depending on the level of completeness or accuracy desired. Of course, nutrition monitoring should be anchored on the patient’s health condition and health goals.
Manual tools, such as classic journal writing or recording, are tried and tested ways to keep track of how many glasses of water are consumed in the day. It can also be more visual with a daily water tumble that has all the marks to indicate adequate hydration. Consumption of foods, especially recommended fruits and vegetables, can also be marked this way.
Technology-based strategies also exist. Wearables that measure fluid intake are available in the market. Some solutions can be attached to the clothes (textile), particularly as a turtleneck, to detect chewing and swallowing movements.
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