Daytime Center Amenities in Lynchburg, Virginia
Here are the amenities you can expect when you become one of the participants at Raspberry Hill Adult Daytime Center. We’re excited to have you in our activities soon:

We provide the following SERVICES:
- Registered Nurse on site
- Outings and Field Trips (May have an extra fee)
- Meals will be dietitian approved and served by Meals on Wheels in Lynchburg. This is to serve a multitude of specific diets and nutrition needs.
- Fluid intake is monitored and encouraged!
- Personal Attention! Participant ratio 1:4
- Health monitoring – Vital Signs, Weights, Nursing Assessments, Plan of Care
- Bible Devotions – discussed and read, poetry, arts, short stories
- Socialization, group activities, reminiscing
- Music (Variety). Inter-generational Activity
- Laughter, Positive Mental Health
- New Friendships, Connection
- Supervision
- Monitoring of food intake
- Personal Care Showers/Hair care – extra fees
- Home-like Environment (European feel), less intimidating
- Beautiful Forest VA area/Outdoor common areas
- Chair Exercise
- Therapeutic activities/games
- Art’s and Crafts
- Mental Stimulation, Music therapy
- Coordination of care in the Community
- Caregiver relief/respite
With your Doctor’s order, we can provide the following SKILLED SERVICES:
- Foley care
- Dressing Changes
- Incontinence Care
- Oxygen Therapy, Breathing Treatments
- Bowel and Bladder training
- Insulin injections
- Blood Glucose Monitoring
- PT, OT, and ST on site if MD order. You choose which therapist and we allow them to come to our facility. Post Acute Rehab Care