Financial Aid and Financing Financial Aid in Lynchburg, Virginia
*PAYPAL CREDIT – Financing
If you qualify, it works like a credit card, but for 6 months, you have NO interest and NO payment. But the goal is to give help with upfront costs, get through the class, pass state boards, and pay back as soon as possible, and then you wouldn’t lose any money on interest. If you don’t have a PayPal account, go to PayPal, create an account and apply for the PayPal Credit first to see if you qualify it (it only takes a couple of minutes to see if you qualify). Then we can send you an invoice to pay via PayPal/PayPal Credit.

Financial Aid: Apply Early!
Lynchburg Community Action Group Inc. (Lyn-Cag)
Office: 434-455-1601 ext. 208Eligibility: Be eligible for TANF benefits. Must have a GED or High school diploma. Cannot have any prior charges, especially felonies or misdemeanors that are on the barrier list. Must have physical custody of minor children.
* (Job/Career Coaching) Financial Aid:
Virginia Career Works
3125 Odd Fellows Rd., Lynchburg, VA 24501 434-455-5940WIOA Program
Complete an Initial Assessment (Intake Form)
Apply Early at
Veteran Education:
Application process:
If you’re a Service member, Veteran, or family member interested in education and training opportunities, you can apply for your Certificate of Eligibility (COE). You can also manage your current benefits.
Veteran Education and Training
Applying for Benefits
Applying for your VA education benefits can be done in just a few steps: Apply online today if you know which benefit you want to use. Visit your nearest VA regional office to apply in person. Consult with the VA Certifying Official—who is usually in the Registrar’s or Financial Aid office—at the school of your choice. This official has application forms and can help you apply. Call 1-888-GI BILL-1 (888-442-4551) to have the application mailed to you.