• Call us for more information: 434-525-4422
  • 1381 Crossings Centre Dr., Ste. A, Forest, VA 24551
  • Healthcare Training
  • 1040 Gables Drive, Unit 103, Forest, VA 24551
elderly man pet the dog
Start your career in caregiving with our hybrid training program.

Personal Care Aide in Forest, Virginia

Physical therapist with clipboard and alder woman sitting on sofa at home

Becoming a Personal Care Aide can take as little as 40 hours of training. The 40-hour training includes the curriculum provided by the DMAS (Department of Medical Assistance Services). Training provides comprehension information on how to care for the elderly, skills in personal and rehabilitative care, home management, safety, and accident prevention in the home, food, nutrition, and documentation requirements. This is also a great way to enter the field of nursing. Personal Care Aides work for home care agencies to provide personal care services in the recipient’s home. Upon completion of the program, trainees are provided with a certificate of completion after successfully completing the class with the test/skills lab.

May provide Personal Care Services and Direct Client Care in the Common Wealth of Virginia, as approved and recognized by DMAS, the Virginia Department of Social Services, and the Virginia Board of Nursing.

Other Considerations:

  • College students
  • Retired persons
  • Stay at home Moms looking for extra money
  • Caregivers
  • Companions/Sitters
  • Bedside hours needed for Internship while in College
  • Any person 18 years and older
  • You can be your Loved Ones own Paid Caregiver, check with your Long Term Care Insurance Provider to see if you qualify, they may pay for you to take the PCA course and pay you for being the Caregiver taking care of your Loved One

* JOB opportunity exists after successful completion of class with Generation Solutions Home care agency, Visiting Angels, and more!

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Experience compassionate care designed to support your needs. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a visit!